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发言权的英文翻译 发言权英文怎幺说 发言权的英文例句




    the right of speech

right [rait]

    n.正义,公正,正确,权利,右边,右派 adj.正当的,正确的,对的,合适的,恰当的,健康的,健全的,正面的 adv.正当地,正确地,一直地,直接地,完全地,彻底地,在右边

speech [spi:tʃ]

    n.演说,讲话 语音


我们正考虑在这样的事情上给他们更多的发言权。We are considering giving them greater say in such matters.我可以作为一名观察员出庭会议,但我在讨论中没有发言权。I can attend the meetings as an observer but I have no voice in their discussions.在决定他们应该到哪儿去度假的事情上,他没有多大发言权。He didn't have much say in deciding where they should spend their holiday.我们对此事当然有发言权。Of course we have a say in this matter.他在这个问题上没有发言权。He had no say in the matter.她一直力争在家庭事务的决策中有更多的发言权。She is struggling for a bigger say in decision-making on family matters.工人们在工厂管理方面没有发言权。The workpeople had no say in how their factory was run.你认为我会放弃我的发言权吗?Do you think I will part with my right to express my opinion?在议会中享有发言权,但没有投票权的地区A territory that has a voice but not a vote in congress.


优先发言权 preaudience

发言权 locus standi; right of audience; right to speak; say

取得发言权 get the floor; obtain the floor

对...有发言权 have a say in; have a voice in

有发言权 have the floor

