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猕猴桃的英文翻译 猕猴桃英文怎幺说 猕猴桃的英文例句



[mí hóu táo]

    Chinese gooseberry
    Kiwi fruit

chinese [tʃai'ni:z]

    adj.中国的,中国人的,中国话的,汉语的 n.中国人,中国话,汉语,中文

gooseberry [guzbәri]


kiwi [ki:wi:]

    n.[鸟]几维(一种新西兰产的无翼鸟), 新西兰人

fruit [fru:t]

    n.水果,果实,果类,成果 vi.结果实


还有黑莓和新鲜的猕猴桃And blackberries and fresh kiwi.口味:新鲜绿色植物的芳香、夹带着猕猴桃和鲜嫩青椒的果味情趣。Tasting notes: fresh aromas of green fig kiwi fruit and green pepper with a crisp fruity palate.猕猴桃是什幺颜色的?What's the color of kiwi fruit?我该做些猕猴桃霜淇淋I should make some kiwi ice cream.一个从新西兰空运到英国的猕猴桃,导致的温室气体排放的重量比它本身的重量还要多。A kiwi fruit flown from new zealandto britainemits five times its own weight in greenhouse gases.猕猴桃叶片光合特性初探。Study on leaf photosynthetic characteristic of actinidia sp.消星障滴眼液由猕猴桃根的提纯物製成。Xiao-xing-zhang eye drops were made by purified material from radix actinidia chinese planch.


中华猕猴桃 Chinese gooseberry, kiwi fruit, Actinidia chinensis Planch.

中华猕猴桃保健饮料 kiwi fruit juice health drink

猕猴桃 Chinese gooseberry kiwi-fruit Yangtao Actinidia

猕猴桃汁 kiwi-fruit juice

猕猴桃酒 mihoutao wine

猕猴桃酱 kiwi-fruit jam

糖水猕猴桃 kiwi fruit in syrup

糖水猕猴桃罐头 canned kiwi-fruit slice in syrup

软枣猕猴桃 Actinidia arguta Sieb. et Zucc.) Planch.

