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    to despair

despair [dis'peә(r)]

    n.绝望,失望,令人失望的人(事物) vi.绝望


这里不是小学草场,吧嗒兰嗒吧先生This isn't a grade school playground mr.badalandabad.走在铺着油地毡的地板上我听得见我脚后跟的嗒嗒声。I could hear the click of my own heels on the linoleum.爱就象钟錶的滴答一样短暂。Tick tock love is fleeting.必须听见两个弹簧夹锁止的哢嗒声。Both spring clips must lock with an audible click.固定弹簧闭合时必须能听见哢嗒声。The retainer spring must lock with an audible click.年轻的阿比•弗德曼来自纽约的斯坎嗒Young abe feldman from schenectady new york.劈的吧嗒,劈的吧嗒,劈的吧嗒,就像笼子里的小老鼠。Pitter-pat pitter-pat pitter-pat like a rat in a cage.他嗒嗒地拍发了一份摩尔斯电码的电报。He rapped out a morse message.他听到枪0ㄍ?后扳的卡嗒声。He heard a bolt snick as it was pulled back.塔哲•吧嗒兰嗒吧,够难念的Taj badalandabad that's quite a tongue-twister.雨点打在窗玻璃上的阵阵啪嗒声。Sional clatter of rain against the window-pane.咂嘴声如催促马时发出的一连串咯咯声或啪嗒声A series of clucks or clicking sounds such as those made to urge on a horse.钟发出滴答滴答的声音。The clock went'tick-tock tick-tock '.


哢嗒地记录 click off

咯嗒一声盖住的 snap on

啪嗒啪嗒地打在...上 rattle against

啪嗒啪嗒地走 flop about

嗒嗒地发出 rap out

滴答滴答地走 tick away

脚跟着地用脚尖敲出嗒嗒声 beat the devil''s tattoo; beaten the devils tattoo

