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米粉的英文翻译 米粉英文怎幺说 米粉的英文例句



[mǐ fěn]

    rice vermicelli

rice [rais]


vermicelli [vә:mi'tʃәli]



炸玉米粉圆饼玉米粉圆饼或炸脆了的玉米粉饼条A tortilla or tortilla chip deep-fried until crisp.这种糕饼用米粉做不那幺容易碎。Rice flour makes the cake less likely to crumble.walter在玉米粉蒸肉之夜总会来Walter always comes on tamale night.还有些玉米粉薄烙饼And some of those tortilla chips.平的玉米粉圆饼,上覆油炸豆瓣。A flat tortilla topped with refried beans.摘要本文主要研究了海藻糖对糯米粉的回生抑制作用。The inhibition of trehalose for the retrogradation of sticky rice starch was studied.


东莞米粉 Tungoon rice vermicelli

佛山米粉 Foshan rice stick

圆型米粉条 rice stick,round

大米粉 rice meal

小扎米粉麵条 small bunch rice vermicelli

广东肇庆米粉条 Guangdong Chaoching rice stick

快熟银丝米粉 instant rice vermicelli

江门银丝米粉 kongmoon dried rice stick

炒米粉 rice vermicelli,fried roasted rice flour

玉米粉 corn flour

玉米粉 corn meal hominy meal maize meal corn flour

玉米粉琼脂 corn meal agar

玉米粉碎机 corn grinder maize crusher

盒装米粉 rice vermicelli in box

米粉 rice flour rice vermicelli

米粉条 rice stick

米粉生产保鲜设备 rice noodle preservation equipment

米粉糕 rice cake rice cake,dried

糙米粉 coarse rice powder

糯米粉 glutinous rice flour

红白米粉片 red and white rice flour flake

纯米粉 pure rice flour

纯糯米粉 pure glutinous rice flour

西米粉 sago flour sago meal

速食米粉 instant rice stick

银丝米粉 dried thin rice stick

