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法人团体的英文翻译 法人团体英文怎幺说 法人团体的英文例句



[fǎrén tuántǐ]

    body corporate;a corporate body;corporate body;commonality;corporate aggregate

body [bɔdi]

    n.身体,肉体,人,尸体,主要部分,团体,大量 vt.赋以形体

corporate [kɔ:pәrәt]



合併两个或多个商业上的利益集团或法人团体的合併The merger of two or more commercial interests or corporations.法人团体是某注册船舶的船东或转管租约承租人;Where a body corporate is the owner or demise charter of a registered ship;法人团体须以其法团的名义注册为船东。A body corporate shall be registered as owner by its corporate name.民法典应确立二元民事主体结构--以%22非法人团体%22问题为中心Double civil subject should be established in civil lawbook--focus on "none-juristic person"任何法人团体除非符合以下条件,否则没有资格作为交易所公司会员─No body corporate shall be eligible to be a member of the exchange company unless-如董事属法人团体,请删去年龄证明。Delete the age certification if the director is a body corporate.倘某法人团体因犯本条例所指之罪而被裁定罪名成立,"Where a body corporate is convicted of an offence under this ordinance"


公营法人团体 public corporation

慈善法人团体 benevolent corporation; charitable corporation; eleemosynary corporation

法人团体 corporate body; body corporate; corporation; incorporated association; aggregate

法人团体会员权 membership of an incorporated society

法人团体的律师 lawyer of a cooperative corporation

解散法人团体 disincorporate; dissolve a corporation; dissolve an artificial person

非法人团体 unincorporated society

