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    blind (as with dust)

blind [blaind]

    adj.瞎的,盲目的 vt.使失明,缺乏眼光或判断力

as [әz]

    adv.同样地,被看作,象 prep.当做 conj.与...一样,当...之时,象,因为 [域] American Samoa,东萨摩亚 [军] Air to Surface,空对地 (As)symb [化]砷 (arsenic)

dust [dʌst]

    n.灰尘,尘土,尘埃 vt.掸掉...上的灰尘,撒糖于糕上


当你看太阳时,你得眯缝眼看。When you look at the sun you have to squint at it.近视眼的人看东西通常眯着眼。Shortsighted people usually squint at things.明亮的阳光使她眯着眼睛。The bright sunlight forced her to squint.你现在眯着眼睛,好像是要配副眼镜了。Now you're squinting like you need glasses.您再看看今天的图尔湖,您看到些什幺呢?柯林斯茫然地眯起眼睛望去,只听他的儿子继续说道。Now look at tule lake today and what do you see? Puzzled collins squinted off as his son went on.他的海象鬍子在笑眯眯的嘴巴上抖动着,His great walrus mustache curved above his beaming mouth他眯起眼透过望远镜看。He squinted through the telescope.他站在那只顾对着“十诫”笑眯眯的。He stood most amiably beaming at the ten commandments.她朝他挑战地眯起了眼睛。Narrowing her eyes she challenged him.她眯眼看耀眼的阳光。She was squinting against the glare of the sun.她眯着眼从锁眼往里看。She was squinting through the keyhole.她是否听了他话里带了眯沾沾自喜的口气?Did she detect a certain smugness in his tone?为了不再眯着眼看,我戴上一副墨镜。To stop squinting I put on some sunglasses.我发现自己正眯着眼看电视。I found myself squinting at the tv.因为光太强了,所以她眯着眼看。She screwed her eyes up squinting because of the glare.


异硫化羟酸五眯 pentamidine isothionate

眯描法地图 dot map

