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猛扑的英文翻译 猛扑英文怎幺说 猛扑的英文例句




    to charge
    to pounce on
    to swoop down on

charge [tʃa:dʒ]

    n.负荷,电荷,费用,主管,掌管,充电,充气,装料 v.装满,控诉,责令,告诫,指示,加罪于,冲锋,收费

pounce [pauns]

    v.突袭 n.突袭


那飞禽向着猎物猛扑下来The bird swooped down on its prey.那只豹猛扑向猎物。The leopard bounded on the prey.他向对手猛扑过去。He ripped into his antagonist with fury.这样一来,北方佬就会猛扑过来,像鸭子吃无花果虫一样把我们吃掉。It'll bring the yankees down on us like a duck on a june bug.第一只海豚从上方猛扑下去,The first porpoise swoops down from above猫头鹰猛扑下去用爪子抓起了老鼠。The owl swoop down and picked up the mouse in its claw.猫头鹰突然猛扑下来抓住了老鼠。The owl made a sudden swoop down and caught the mouse.那只鹰向那小动物猛扑过去把它叼走了。The hawk pounce on its prey and carry it off.潜伏前进,对想像猎物目标进行猛扑,这些将有助于猫咪的神经系统和肌肉的发育。Stalking and pouncing on imaginary prey aids in a kitten's neural and muscular development.狮虎等待时机,向猎物猛扑过去。The big cats wait for the right moment then pounce swiftly on their prey.他两次目睹群豹向毫无戒备的小狒狒猛扑过去。Twice he had seen leopards pouncing on unsuspecting young baboons.


向...猛扑 fling on; fling upon

猛扑 jump on; jump upon

