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房主的英文翻译 房主英文怎幺说 房主的英文例句




    landlord, house-owner

landlord [lændlɔ:d]



房主想把旧屋折价换新房子。The homeowner wants to trade up.绿房主喝的是咖啡。The green homeowner drinks coffee.厨房主要是自愿帮助者建立起来的;由自愿者组成的火警部门。The soup kitchen was prmarily by unpaid helpers; a volunteer fire department.房主担心他们的房子会因乾旱而沉降。Homeowners are worried that their homes will subside because of the drought.房主的改建用的工具;节能改型方案;巨大的装备翻新市场。A retrofit kit for the homeowner; an energy-savingretrofit program; a large retrofit market.房主去德克萨斯了Owners took off for texas.房主在床上发现了维拉。The housekeeper found vera in bed.那个强盗把房主绑在椅子上。The robber tied the owner of the house to a chair.我把房租交给第三者,没有直接交给房主I pay rent to a third party not directly to the landlord.我的房主,是一个五十来岁的弯腰老人。Our landlord was an oldish man round about the fifties with a bent back.现在这个村里许多农舍其房主都是专来度过星期六和星期日的人。Many of the cottages in the village are now owned by weekender.一种房租风险规避措施:房主自用住宅。Owner-occupied housing as a hedge against rent risk by: sinai todd; souleles nicholas s.


房主 houseowner; householder

房主保险 homeowner''s insurance

房主的保险 homeowner''s insurance

房主综合保险单 householder''s comprehensive policy; houseowner''s comprehensive policy

房主自用住宅 owner occupied housing

房主贷款公司 home owner''s loan corporation

房主贷款公司 Home Owner''s Loan Corporation

