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猛击的英文翻译 猛击英文怎幺说 猛击的英文例句



[měng jī]

    to slap
    to smack
    to punch

slap [slæp]

    vt.拍,掌击,拍击 n.拍,掌击,拍击

smack [smæk]

    n.滋味,风味,少量,拍击 v.带有...风味,用掌击,拍打


猛击不被伤害打断。Slam no longer interrupted by damage.那真是库玛的一记猛击。And that was a real slog from kumar.他朝我猛击了一下。He took a swipe at me.他对着我的鼻子猛击一拳。He punched me on the nose.他们永远猛击着岩石;流水在永恆的荒漠上永无休止地喷涌出来。They smote the rock forever and the water sprang perpetually in the perpetual desert.他猛击了一下球。He gave the ball a good whack.他想猛击小流氓的头,可还是忍住了。He wants to crack the rowdy over the head but refrain.他用剑猛击敌人。He smote his enemy with his sword.他用手杖猛击树干。He whacked the tree trunk with his stick.它们会用后腿支撑站立起来,互相用掌猛击,或者互相滚在一起。They would prance on their hind legs making wild swipes in the air or tumbling over each other.汤姆气愤地猛击桌子。Tom pounded the table angrily.我朝他的下巴猛击一拳。I gave him a sock on the jaw.我们像拍苍蝇似地猛击敌直升飞机。We swat the enemy helicopters out of the sky like flies.野玫瑰增加生命值上限,在猛击时增加物理伤害值。Wild rose ro+ se increases maximum life.adds physical damage on bash.用小槌在桌上猛击、敲打等。Bang rap etc one's gavel on the table


向...猛击 cut at; let out at

挥拳向...猛击 hit out at

挥拳猛击 threw a punch; throw punches; thrown punches

猛击 ding; slogging; throw for a loop

猛击...一拳 hang one on

猛击在...上 dash on

猛击敌手 made play

猛击者 slogger

用...猛击 smite with

连续猛击而产生 pound out

