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仿效的英文翻译 仿效英文怎幺说 仿效的英文例句




    to copy
    to imitate

copy [kɔpi]

    n.副本,拷贝,摹仿,一册 v.複印,複製,拷贝,抄袭

imitate [imiteit]

    vt.模仿,仿效,仿製,仿造 v.模仿


亲德主义,崇尚德国风俗对德国的尊重,对德国方式的仿效Esteem for germany and emulation of german ways.如果我们的教育制度仿效没有书籍的古代教育,If our educational system were fashioned after its bookless past暴发户们仿效贵族。The new rich aped the nobility.除非人们愿意接受仿效结构之美的细微差别,否则和谐之美往往都是不足的。Harmonies are often absent unless one accepts the musical nuance of imitation as structured harmony.但是针刺非织造布的表面可以仿效毛圈绒头、绒织物及平绒的结构特点。Needle punched fabrics can be made however that resemble loop-pile velour and velveteen structures.仿效一般高贵的女性的通例According to the usual practice of elegant females.年轻人仿效流行歌手是很流行的。It is trendy for youngsters to emulate pop singers.说,德国一些银行可能仿效奥本海姆和休假。That said few german banks are likely to follow in the footsteps of oppenheim and leave.她的思想是仿效托洛茨基的。Her ideas are patterned on trotsky's.


互相仿效行为 allelomimetic behavior

仿效 after the manner of; apery; take after; take my colour from; take our colour from; take their color from; took my colour from; took our colour from

仿效... after the manner of...

仿效...方式 after the manner of

仿效他 tread in his steps

仿效他们 tread in their steps

仿效你们 tread in your steps

仿效她 tread in her steps

仿效我 tread in my steps

仿效我们 tread in our steps

仿效机械手 master-slave manipulator

仿效的影响 imitation effect

使...仿效 model oneself after; model oneself on; modle oneself upon

