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放宽的英文翻译 放宽英文怎幺说 放宽的英文例句




    to relax restrictions

relax [ri'læks]

    vi.放鬆,休息,休养,变从容 vt.使鬆驰,缓和,使鬆懈,使休息


放宽,放鬆从拘束、压力或严格要求中解脱出来To free from restraint pressure or strictness.教会机构现在是否应该放宽关于避孕的教旨?Should the church now relax her teaching on contraception?结论:产前b超提示脐带缠绕时可适当放宽剖宫产指征;Conclusion: prenatal b-ultrasonics shows that caesarean birth indexes can be widen suitably.他们终于放宽了共和主义的严厉约束政策。They eventually loosened the strait-jacket policy of republicanism.她为了放宽制裁而据理力争。She argued most cogently for a relaxation of the sanctions.


信贷放宽 easing of credit

关税放宽 tariff liberalization

对存款机构放宽管制和货币管理法 Depository Institution Deregulation and Monetary Control Act

放宽信贷条件 easy credit terms

放宽利率,放宽利率限制 liberalization of interest rates; liberalization of interest

放宽利率限制 liberalization of interest rate

放宽强制 widening coercion

放宽抽检 reduced sampling inspection

放宽政策 implement policies more flexibly; adopt more liberal policies; softening policies; in easing restrictions to allow individual merchants to run their business); relief of policy

放宽时间 allowed time

放宽期限 extend a time limit

放宽条件 soften the terms

放宽检查 reduced inspection

放宽贷款条件 liberalize the conditions of loans

放宽限度 relax limitation

放鬆信贷,放宽信贷条件 ease of credit; easy credit; easy credit terms

政策放宽时间 policy allowances

机器放宽额 machine allowance

疲劳放宽时间 fatigue allowance

疲劳补偿,疲劳放宽时间,疲劳减让时间,疲劳宽限 fatigue allowance

非关税壁垒的放宽 liberalization of non tariff barriers

