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煤油的英文翻译 煤油英文怎幺说 煤油的英文例句





kerosene [kerәsi:n]



我点亮了煤油灯。I lit the paraffin lamp.有腐蚀抑制剂的jp-4航空煤油的可过滤性的研究A filterability study of corrosion inhibited jp-4在牙齿上抹一些煤油!Put some kerosene on it!储存航空煤油的油库;A tank farm for storage of aviation fuel;混合浮选採用煤油加丁基黄药作为捕收剂。Kerosene and butyl xanthate were used as collectors in bulk flotation.普赖默斯煤油炉常被人们在野营时用于烹饪。Primus stoves are often used by people to cook on when they are camping.她提起炉子,摇了一摇,“没有煤油了。”She picked the stove up and shook it.'there's No oil in it. '


两用煤油 dual-purpose kerosene

全氟煤油 polyfluoro kerosene, PFK

手提式煤油灯 barn lantern

打气煤油炉 vaporised kerosene burner

民用煤油 domestic kerosene

涂煤油试验 kerosine test

灯用煤油 burning kerosene

煤油 kerosene

煤油切割器 kerosene cutting torch

煤油加热炉 kerosene heater

煤油厨灶 kerosene cooking stove

煤油取暖炉 kerosene warming stove

煤油喷气燃料 kerosene propellant

煤油喷灯 kerosene blowtorch

煤油喷烧器 kerosene burner

煤油扇形加热器 kerosene fan heater

煤油提灯 kerosene lantern

煤油旋转式加热器 kerosene rotary heater

煤油机 kerosene oil engine

煤油杀虫剂 Kerosine

煤油气 kerosine oil-gas

煤油沥青 kerites

煤油涂检法 kerosene test

煤油温度计 kerosene thermometer

煤油灯 kerosene burner; kerosene lamp

煤油炉 kerosene stove

煤油炉取暖器 kerosene heater

煤油炉生产成套设备 complete set of kerosene burner production line

煤油烟 kerosene smoke

煤油燃烧性质 kerosene burning quality

