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放过的英文翻译 放过英文怎幺说 放过的英文例句




    to let off
    to let slip by
    to let sb get away with sth

let [let]

    vt.假设,出租,允许,排放,让...进入(或通过),妨碍 vi.出租,(工程等)被承包 n.出租屋,障碍

slip [sliP]

    n.滑倒,事故,片,纸片;vi.滑动,滑倒,失足,减退;vt.使滑动,滑过,摆脱,闪开,塞入;adj.滑动的,活络的,有活结的;Serial Line Interface Protocol,串列线路介面协定


你有放过这幺响的屁吗?You ever fart so hard your back cracks?如果还有下辈子,我一定不放过你,一定娶你!If also has the next gerneration I certainly do not let off you certainly marries you!他简直对每一个逗点都不轻易放过。He seemed to query every damn comma.我当然不会放过到延安去访问的机会。I would certainly jump at the chance of visiting yan'an.由猪肉和放过调料的猪血製成的法国黑香肠。Black pudding a french black sausage made of pork and seasoned pig's blood.基本上谁都不放过Spoke out against pret much everybody.没见过出口处放过“欢迎”垫子Never seen a welcome mat on the way out.在公路上横冲直撞,听着摇滚的节奏,连员警的车也不放过。On the highway rampage listening to the rhythm of rock even the police cars were not spared.总之,中国的对外开放政策是坚定不移的,但在开放过程中要小心谨慎。China's open policy will remain unchanged but in pursuing it we must proceed with caution.


扫雷索放过器 sweeping wire slip

放过 dallied away; dally away; threw away

被放过 gotten away with

