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美女的英文翻译 美女英文怎幺说 美女的英文例句




    beautiful woman

beautiful [bju:tif(ә)l]


woman [wumәn]

    n.女人,妇女,女僕 adj.女人的,女性的,妇女的 vt.为...配备妇女,使成女人腔


其先祖即为葛拉蒂,由皮格马利翁所创造的美女。Their progenitor was galatea the woman created by pygmalion.上面有张很漂亮的美女照... On it is painted this beautiful pinup.她根本不是美女,但是她有一种说不出来的魅力。She is not at all a beauty but she has an unspeakable charm.她没有明星照里面的美女那样的身段,但是她确信有一天她会出名。She is not of pin-up proportions but she feels sure that she will become famous some day.她是19世纪40年代有名的美女。She was a famous1940s pinup.我会在这小艇上绑架那个美女L will abduct the beauty in this skiff.我看见你和一个美女搭讪I-i-i saw you on stage talking to that beautiful woman我也可能是个苗条的金髮美女I'd be a willowy blonde too西尔维斯特:所以呢?这很正常,美女早就有人追了,所以你只需要换一个人去追。Silvestre: so? It's normal that beautiful girls are dangled round. I suggest you to change a target.西子是春秋战国时期越国着名的美女。Xi shi was a famous beauty of yue kingdom during the spring and autumn period of chinese history.一个至今都算大美女的40年代的女孩One of the all-time pin-up gals of the'40s.一位40年代空前绝后的大美女Gibbs: one of the all-time pin-up gals of the'40s.整间都是美女裹着毛巾和泥浆A room full of beautiful women in towels and mud.朱诺怀疑这母牛的形体里隐藏着一个人间美女的身躯,她的猜测确乎合理。Juno suspected with reason that the heifer's form concealed some fair nymph of mortal mold.


美女牌粘胶长丝 Bijohai

美女牌粘胶长丝 Bijohai

