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仿形的英文翻译 仿形英文怎幺说 仿形的英文例句



[fǎng xíng]

    profile modeling;profiling copy;forming

profile [prәufail]


modeling [mɔdәliŋ]

    [计] 建模,造型

copy [kɔpi]

    n.副本,拷贝,摹仿,一册 v.複印,複製,拷贝,抄袭

forming ['fɔ:miŋ]




二氧化碳镭射仿形雕刻机 CO^2 laser auto-copy engraver

仿形 replica

仿形沖剪机 copying and punching shear machine

仿形刻字机 copy carving machine

仿形刻模铣床 copy engraving machine

仿形器 sensor

仿形图 profile drawing

仿形尺 copy rule

仿形抛光机床 copy polishing machine tool

仿形控制 contour control

仿形控制器 tracer controller

仿形摇臂万能铣床 radial universal copying milling machine

仿形机 n. modeling machine

仿形机床 contour machine copying machine copy machine profiling machine

仿形气割机 copying autogenous cutter

仿形磨床 profile grinder profile grinding machine

仿形缝合机 contour stitcher

仿形车床 copying lathe

仿形铣床 copying milling machine copy milling machine profile machine profiler

仿形镂床 copy router

仿形镗杆 copying boring bar

凸轮仿形机床 cam forming and profiling machine

半自动仿形车床 semi-automatic copying lathe

半自动仿形铣床 semi-automatic copying machine

卡盘仿形车床 chuck type copying lathe

双轴仿形刻纹机 two spindle copy router

双轴平面仿形铣床 double-spindle contour copying milling machine

叶片仿形铣床 vane copying milling machine

四轴水準仿形铣床 four-spindle horizontal copying milling machine

外圆端面仿形车刀 external endface copying turning tool

