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方解石的英文翻译 方解石英文怎幺说 方解石的英文例句



[fāng jiě shí]

    calcite (CaCO3 as rock-forming mineral)

calcite [kælsait]


as [әz]

    adv.同样地,被看作,象 prep.当做 conj.与...一样,当...之时,象,因为 [域] American Samoa,东萨摩亚 [军] Air to Surface,空对地 (As)symb [化]砷 (arsenic)

mineral [minәr(ә)l]



碳酸钙存在于同质异晶的方解石和文石中。Calcium carbonate occurs in the allomorphs calcite and aragonite.陶片中含有石英、长石、方解石、绢云母等各种矿物颗粒,还含有一定量的炭。The sherdscontain quartz feldspar calcspar and sericite as well as some charcoal.微型浮游生物应为湖泊中的方解石沉澱负责吗?Are picoplankton responsible for calcite precipitation in lakes?我们可以很方便地以方解石或冰洲石晶体来进行研究。We can be conveniently studied with reference to a crystal of calcite or iceland spar.霰石和镁方解石,比普通方解石更容易溶解。Aragonite and magnesium calcite are more soluble than normal calcite.一种坚硬紧密的方解石。A hard compact kind of calcite.海生无脊椎动物,管状足,覆有方解石的身体分五部分呈放射状对称。Marine invertebrates with tube feet and calcite-covered five-part radially symmetrical bodies.霰石,文石结晶富钙碳化物的一种正交晶矿物,具有方解石的两种晶态An orthorhombic mineral form of crystalline calcium carbonate dimorphous with calcite.霰石:文石结晶富钙碳化物的一种正交晶矿物,具有方解石的两种晶态。Aragonite: an orthorhombic mineral form of crystalline calcium carbonate dimorphous with calcite.由于方解石脉双晶纹发育的广泛性,使之具有推广价值。The calcite twin lamellae method can be used widely because calcite veins widely develop in faults.


干磨方解石粉 calcite in powder,dry ground

方解石 calcite

方解石化 calcitization

方解石溶解指数 calcite dissolution index

方解石粉 calcite in powder

方解石粒 calcite grain calcite in grain

方解石补偿深度 calcite compensation depth, CCD

铁方解石 ferrocalcite

