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放低的英文翻译 放低英文怎幺说 放低的英文例句



[fàng dī]

    to lower
    to be humble

lower [lәuә(r)]

    adj.较低的,下级的,下等的,下游的 vi.降低,跌落,减弱 vt.放下,降下,减弱,贬低

humble [hʌmb(ә)l]

    adj.卑下的,微贱的,谦逊的,粗陋的 vt.使...卑下,挫,贬抑


他放低了声音,唯恐被别人听见。He dropped his voice for fear be might be overheard.等我放低我的手After I lower my hands.放低肩膀抬起头,朝我跑Now dip your shoulder keep your head up and run through me!好极了,不过也许你可以试着把裤腰放低一些?That's cute.but maybe you should try them in low-rise?那人把声音放低。The man lowered his voice.升降索用来提升或放低深海潜水夫的绳索A line used to raise and lower deep-sea divers.她恭敬地放低了声音。She lowered her voice reverentially.一些选手把拍头放低来替代屈膝击球的环节,这样可以拉起低于膝盖的球而不用把膝盖弯得太厉害。Some players dip the racket head down instead of bending the knees quite as much.之后,我教你怎样放低肩膀After l'll show you how to ice your shoulder down.释放低音扬声器插头并拔出。Release connector on woofer and pull off.他放低声音说到:“上帝保佑你”。He let his voice trail off and said: "god bless you."她有意放低了声音。Her voice was purposely low.我把领口放低了一点点。I lowered the neckline just a touch.

