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sailboat [seilbәut]



也要坐上纵帆船,船上也有吹哨子的水手长、留着长辫子而且会唱歌的水手!To sea in a schooner with a piping boatswain and pig-tailed singing seamen;一流帆船上紧接着上桅的帆。A sail set next above the topgallant on a royal mast.一条名叫“银姑”的纵帆船的船主正招雇水手,打算航行到中国去。The owner of a schooner called the silver maid was signing up sailors for a voyage to china.有三个平行的船体的帆船。A fast sailboat with3parallel hulls.在方帆船悬挂和固定帆桁的绳子。A rope by which a yard is swung and secured on a square-rigged ship.撞了水下暗礁的单桅帆船A sloop that had run foul of the submerged reef.不一会儿,小帆船绕过海角,蹤影。Soon after the lugger doubled the point and disappeared.


三桅帆船 n. bark

任何小型帆船 n. bark

使帆船以顺风改向逆风行驶 box hauling

使帆船顺风行驶时掉换帆舷 gybing

冬季帆船运动 frostbite boating; frostbite sailing

前后平衡纵帆船 n. fore-and-aft schooner

单层甲板大帆船 n. galley

单桅帆船 cutter

单桅机帆船 auxiliary sloop

单桅纵帆船 n. sloop rig sail

印度洋阿拉伯三角帆船 dhow

双桅帆船 hermaphrodite brig

四桅帆船 n. four mast barque

大帆船 n. mainsail

小型风帆船 n. sailboard

小帆船 yawl

帆船 sailboat

帆船"之"字形抢风航行 n. beat

帆船牌手錶 Docdo

帆船牌手錶 Docdo

带中帆的双桅斯库那帆船 n. topsail schooner

带有辅助发动机的帆船 n. sailing vessel with auxiliary engine

平底轻帆船 sharpie sharpy

快速小型帆船 flyboat

捕鱼帆船 fishing smack

教练帆船 training sail brig

日本机帆船 n. sampan

有辅助发动机的帆船 n. sailing vessel with auxiliary engine

机帆船 sailing ship fitted with auxiliary engine, motor sailer

特种帆船 n. rigger

