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    surname Fang

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼

fang [fæŋ]

    n.(犬,狼等的)尖牙,犬牙,(毒蛇的)毒牙,牙根,尖端 vt.灌水引动(水泵)


水闸门用来调整磨坊引水槽或运河的水流量或用来排空水闸的一种水闸门A sluice gate for regulating the amount of water in a millrace or a canal or for emptying a lock.他父亲是那儿的磨坊主His father is a miller there.为磨坊提供水力而造的拦河水坝。A dam to make a millpond to provide power for a water mill.我该如何才能欣赏到今晚“红磨坊”的轻鬆歌舞秀呢?What shall I do to enjoy the revue show of "moulin rouge" tonight?一个设计或建立磨坊和磨粉机的人。A workman who designs or erects mills and milling machinery.有182年的历史,是一所重修的水车动力磨坊和博物馆。A182yr. Old restored water wheel powered mill and museum.早上好,小汉斯,磨坊主说。Good morning little hans said the miller.整个街坊都会受诅咒的This neighborhood's going to hell.贮水池由磨坊水坝形成的小池塘A pond formed by a milldam.这些小麦都在面坊里被加工成了麵粉。The wheat has been processed flour in the flour mill.


作坊工业 workshop industry

大街坊 superblock

奴隶作坊 slave workshop

家庭作坊 domestic workship

小作坊 individual workshop

干砌石穀坊 mortarless stone check dam

柳穀坊 willow pile check dam

浆砌石穀坊 mortar stone check dam

潍坊布玩具 Weifang cloth toy

牌坊挠度 housing deflection

石穀坊 stone check dam用石块为原料修筑的坝体形障碍物。

磨坊 mill

磨坊主 miller

磨坊工人 mill hand

磨坊用电动机 mill motor

纪念牌坊 monumental gateway

街坊 block

街坊绿地 residential block green belt

街坊花园 neighbourhood garden

穀坊 check dam

