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麽的英文翻译 麽英文怎幺说 麽的英文例句



    variant of 幺|幺

variant [veәriәnt]

    adj.不同的 n.变数


什麽时候它得到接近的它将跳和干扰你!When it gets near it will jump and molest you!什麽是老实泉?为什麽有数以百万的人涌入怀俄明来看它?What is old faithful and why have millions of people traveled to wyoming to see it?什麽因素决定了作为合格生产者的国家的生存能力?What determines a nation's viability as a competent manufacturer?他不知什麽是怜悯。He was lost to pity.为什麽臭氧破洞只在南极上空发现?Why the ozone hole is only found in antarctica?为什麽考古学家不将希伯来文或埃及文对古代中美洲的影响理论化?Why don't archeologists theorize hebrew or egyptian linkages or influences in mesoamerica?为什麽你对他这麽不友善?Why are you so unfriendly to him?为什麽你要从台北搬到台中?Why do you want to move from taipei to taichung?为什麽气压计的压力读数,与温度有关?The vapor pressure above the mercury column and the specific weight of the mercury change.为什麽虚拟实境对减低疼痛这麽有效?Why is virtual reality so effective in alleviating pain?为什麽这些驯鹿要站在这部电车的顶端?Why are there reindeer on top of that trolley car?一个傻瓜说的话没什麽要紧。What a fool says does not signify.专家说,幼小的羊有小的小羊可能解释年轻的母亲为什麽有重量不足婴儿。Experts say young sheep having small lambs may explain why young mothers have underweight babies.

