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帽子的英文翻译 帽子英文怎幺说 帽子的英文例句





hat [hæt]

    n.帽子 vt.戴帽子

cap [kæp]

    n.帽子,军帽,(瓶)帽,(笔)帽;vt.戴帽子,盖在...顶上;carrierless amplitude and phase,相幅载波


一旦被戴上种族主义的帽子A racially charged case like this一顶黑色的高帽子、一条红色的裤子和一件浆洗得雪白的围裙。A tall black hat a scarlet skirt and a starched white apron.一位名叫达西亚特的居民头戴穆斯林的帽子,身着穆斯林纱笼。One resident called dahiryart wore a typical muslim hat and a sarong.一阵风吹走了我的帽子。A blast of wind blew my hat off.一种软顶宽边的帽子;供美国牧场工人戴。A wide-brimmed hat with a soft crown; worn by american ranch hands.一种有着红色帽子和红色质地粗糙的网状的茎的菌类。A fungus with a red cap and a red coarsely reticulate stalk.又回到那桩帽子生意上去了Oh.are we back on the montero deal again?在公众场所戴奇特的帽子。Wear odd hats in public places.在我眼中,绿帽子只让我联想到罗宾汉的故事。Hitherto I associated green hats with robin hood of sherwood forest!做成帽子或拖鞋倒挺不错的It would make a nice hat or a slipper.


丝钩针帽子 crocheted silk hat

人丝勾针帽子 rayon crocheted hat

山羊皮帽子 goat skin cap

带帽子压井法 hatting kill well method

帽子 cap hat head wear

帽子香 common dayflower

把帽子打掉 flew a tile; flown a tile; fly a tile

投机买卖中的抢帽子 scalp

抛帽子表示狂欢 throw up your cap; thrown up his cap; thrown up our cap

抢帽子 price taking; quick turn

抢帽子者 scalper; locals

抢帽子 profit taking; price taking; quick turn; scalp

炼钢工人用带玻璃罩的帽子 hat with glass shield for steel-smelting worker

真丝钩针帽子 silk crocheted hat

腈纶和羊毛混纺帽子 acrylic and wool blended cap

腈纶帽子 acrylic cap acrylic hat

