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毛重的英文翻译 毛重英文怎幺说 毛重的英文例句




    gross weight

gross [grәus]

    adj.总的,毛重的 n.总额

weight [weit]



包装后,这个包裹毛重为2公斤。Once wrapped the gross weight of the package is2kg.单层完整麻袋、每袋毛重25或50公斤。In sound single bags of25or50kgs gross weight.给我下去,你这金毛重金属狗!Get off of hairy.heavy-metal hound dog!决定飞机起飞与其毛重的比率。The ratio of the gross weight of an airplane to some factor determining its lift.每箱毛重约45千克。The gross weight for each case be around45kilo.请根据準确的箱子尺寸和毛重报价,因有可能需要走空运。Please quote with accurate ctn measurement and gross weight as might need to run for air cargo.在净重之外请勿遗漏皮重和毛重。Please old not omit mention the tare and gross weight in addition to the net.包装外标识内容包括:型号、数量、生产批号、检验工号、毛重及净重。Packing mark include: product type mass product batch checker number net weight total weight.毛重扣掉外包装重量便得到净重。Deducting the tare weight from the gross weight we get the net weight.我方已按你方要求在箱上注明毛重,皮重和净重。As per your request we hve marked the cases with gross tare and net weights.


以毛重作净重 gross for net

半毛重 demi-gross weight

单位毛重 bulk unit weight

卸货毛重 gross landed weight

实际半毛重 real demi-gross weight

最大毛重 maximum gross weight MGW)

毛重 gross weight

毛重作净重 gross weight for net

毛重条件 gross weight terms

注册毛重吨 gross register ton

装船毛重 gross shipping weight

车辆毛重定额 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating

