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冒着的英文翻译 冒着英文怎幺说 冒着的英文例句




    to brave
    to face dangers

brave [breiv]


face [feis]

    n.脸,面容,表情,威信,正面,地形,外观 vt.面对,面向,面临,承认,抹盖 vi.朝,向


海岸警卫队正冒着生命危险搜寻这些船员。The coast guard rescue team is also seeking the boat at the risk of their life.救援小组冒着暴风雪前进。The rescuer group struggled through the snowstorm.军官命令士兵冒着敌军密集的炮火奋力前进。The officer ordered the soldiers to press their advance forward in spite of heavy enemy gunfire.如果不是,您将冒着被迫离开指定框架的风险,而这并非您的意愿。If it won t you risk being forced to move off your given framework at a time not of your choosing.神志正常的人谁也不会冒着如此恶劣的天气去游泳。No sane man will go swimming in this nasty weather.甚至冒着装点门面的风险,我们也要让一名女性来担当这个职务。Even at the risk of tokenism we would like to see the post go to a woman.他妈还在我们身边冒着烟His mum is still smoking next to us...他冒着风险购买石油公司的股份。He bought oil company shares on spec.她鼻子里汩汩冒着血。Her nose was spurting blood.图为调车组人员冒着大雪在编组车辆。Dispatcher doing marshalling operations despite the heavy snow.想像一碗冒着热气的白米饭。Picture in your mind a bowl of steaming white rice.


冒着 in the teeth of

冒着...危险 at the risk of

冒着一切危险 at all risks; at any risk

冒着不受欢迎的危险 made a nuisance of yourselves

冒着困难前进 labour one''s way

冒着阻力向前推进 push towards

冒着风雨 brave the elements

弄熄冒着烟的火 quench smoking flax

