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贸易顺差的英文翻译 贸易顺差英文怎幺说 贸易顺差的英文例句




    trade surplus

trade [treid]

    n.贸易,商业,交易,生意,职业,行业,[气]信风,顾客 vi.交易,买卖,经商,对换,购物 vt.用...进行交换

surplus [sә:plәs]

    n.剩余,过剩,[会计]盈余 adj.过剩的,剩余的 vt.转让,卖掉


进口总额465亿美元,同比增长41%,贸易顺差52亿美元。That of import was46.5billion usd up41%. China had a trade surplus of5.2billion usd.贸易顺差意味着资源错误配置。The favorable balance of trade means the resource mis-configuration.如果不控制进口,我们就会有失去贸易顺差的危险。If we did nothing to control the import we would at the risk of losing our favourable balance.我们的贸易顺差已维持了多年。We have maintained a favourable balance of trade for years.美国和其他国家呼吁中国减少贸易顺差。The united states and other countries are calling on china to narrow its growing trade gap.我国去年有很大的国际贸易顺差。We had a very favourable international trade balance last year.我们有4亿英镑的贸易顺差。We have a trade surplus of400million.


对外贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade export duties; foreign trade surplus

无形贸易顺差净额 net invisible surplus

贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade; active trade balance; active balance; trade surplus; favorable trade balance

