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茅草的英文翻译 茅草英文怎幺说 茅草的英文例句




    sogon grass

grass [gra:s; (-) græs]



这个茅草屋被流沙淹没了。The thatched cottage was submerged by drift sand.这些茅草屋顶屡屡着火。These thatched roofs frequently catch fire.不要在靠近茅草屋顶的地方安装高瓦数灯泡。Don't place high wattage security lights near the thatch.穀仓顶上有些茅草需要更换了。Some of the thatch on the barn needs replacing.茅草屋顶既防风防霜又很好看。A thatch is wind-proof frost-proof and good to look at.泥满墙茅屋,小茅屋墨西哥和美国西南部由篱笆和涂抹物构成的茅草屋顶的小屋A thatch-roofed hut made of wattle and daub found in mexico and the southwest united states.他们给小屋盖上茅草屋顶。They topped off the hut with a straw thatch.像现在我们所使用的茅草屋顶工艺从中世纪以来几乎就没有什幺变化。The craft of thatching as it is practiced toady has changed very little since the middle ages.需要最好的盖屋顶的茅草。The best quality roofing thatch is required.用茅草盖屋是一件苦活,会把手弄坏。Thatching is a painful job and plays merry hell with your hands.于是买斧头,买锯子,买镰刀,自己动手砍竹子,割茅草,先搭一座茅草棚子……Then she could saw bamboos and cut reeds to set up a shack for the family.


芭茅草帘 Bamao straw screen

茅草屋顶 thatch roof

茅草枯 Basfapon dalapon dalapon-Na Dowpon Gramevin Radapon Unipon

