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帆的的英文翻译 帆的英文怎幺说 帆的的英文例句



[fān de]


velar [vi:lә(r)]

    adj.[解]膜的,盖膜的,软颚的 n.[语]软颚音


有好的航线和更多的帆的小游艇。A small sloop having the keep of a knockabout but with finer lines and carrying more sail.在黑暗中,我们能听到上面船帆的拍打声。In the dark we could hear the flap of the sails above us.纵帆的后帆缘,后缘The after edge of a fore-and-aft sail.纵帆的向船尾的一角The lower aft corner of a fore-and-aft sail.v形三角布组成如裙子或帆的一部分的三角形或锥形的布块A triangular or tapering piece of cloth forming a part of something as in a skirt or sail.从船尾桅杆伸出支撑船头四方形的船帆的圆材。A spar rising aft from a mast to support the head of a quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail.带有横帆的船中横帆的任意一端。Either end of the yard of a square-rigged ship.帆下角横帆的两个下角中之一One of the two lower corners of a square sail.帆眼绳一种将帆的上半形固定到帆桁上短绳A short line attaching an upper corner of a sail to the yard.上桅的高过中桅的桅杆的,上桅帆的,上桅索具的;与上桅及其帆或索具有关的Of relating to or being the mast above the topmast its sails or its rigging.他只需要感觉到贸易风和帆的牵引。He only needed the feel of the trade wind and the drawing of the sail.


帆的下缘索 foot rope

带中帆的双桅斯库那帆船 n. topsail schooner

张帆的 under canvas

把船转到顺风方向以减低风力对帆的影响 ease to

