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alum [ælәm]



一种用明矾或盐处理过的皮革。A leather that has been treated with alum and or salt.一种有银色光泽和延展性的金属元素,主要见于矾土中。A silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite.这次整风,就是放一把明矾。The current rectification is like a dose of alum.结果粉尘沉积性尘斑是铝矾土尘肺最常见的尘性病变。Results the early common pathological change of alumina pneumoconiosis was the dust spots.


叶绿矾 white copperas

含矾土材料 alumina-bearing material

圭亚那铝矾土矿业有限公司 Guyana Bauxite Mining Enterprise Ltd.; Guymine

天然明矾 native alum

明矾 alumen

明矾发酵粉 alum baking powder

明矾土 alum clay alum earth

明矾洗涤液 alum cleaning bath

明矾海波调色法 alum-hypo toning

明矾液贮存罐 alum storage tank

明矾片岩 alum shale或alum schist,alum slate

明矾玻璃 alum glass

明矾石 alunite

明矾石混凝土膨胀剂 alunite expansion agent for concrete

明矾叶岩 alum shale或alum schist,alum slate

氯钾胆矾 chlorothionite

水绿矾 ink-stone

水胆矾 brochantite

水钠矾石 alumian

水铀矾 dauberite

活性矾土 activated bauxite

海波明矾调色法 hypo-alum toning

烧水镁矾 calcined kieserite

焦矾 dried alum

熟矾土 calcined bauxite

生矾土 raw bauxite

白矾 alum

皓矾 white copperas

矾 n. alum

矾制皮革 alum leather

