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发呆的英文翻译 发呆英文怎幺说 发呆的英文例句




    to daydream
    lost in thought

daydream [deidri:m]

    n.白日梦 vi.做白日梦

lost [lɔst; (-) lɔ:st]

    adj.失去的,丧失的,错过的,迷惑的,不为人知的 vbl.lose的过去式和过去分词

thought [θɔ:t]

    n.思考,想法,思想,思潮,关心,关怀,挂念 vbl.think的过去式和过去分词


他喝了六杯伏特加之后, 眼神发呆, 什麽都再也记不住了After six glasses of vodka his eyes glazed over and he remembered nothing more.我发现自己搭错公共汽车时直发呆。I felt such a fool when I realized I'd got on the wrong bus.听到这个消息,他站着直发呆,好几分钟后才回过神来,有所反应。He stood riveted to the ground— it was some minutes before he could respond to the message.剩下他独自一个张大着嘴发呆。He was left alone and agape.使发呆,使惊呆因恐惧而昏厥或发呆;使茫然To stun or paralyze with terror; daze.但是你昨天一整天都在发呆啊。B: but you were spaced-out the whole day yesterday.他因恐怖而吓得发呆;他被吓呆了。He was paralyzed with fear.我跟他讲话时他没有回答--他似乎在发呆。He didn't answer when I spoke--he seemed to be in a trance.我说她明天就要在台上发呆She'll be on-stage with nothing to do...在找到他的狗之前,那个男孩整天都在发呆。The boy mooned about all day until his dog was found.


发呆 dream away

