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发电厂的英文翻译 发电厂英文怎幺说 发电厂的英文例句




    power plant

power [pauә(r)]

    n.能力,力量,动力,权力,[数]幂,[物]功率 vt.使...有力量,供以动力,激励

plant [pla:nt; (-) 'plænt]

    n.植物,庄稼,工厂,车间,设备 vt.种植,栽培,培养,安置 vi.种植


电信局,邮局,发电厂…Telephone exchange post office powerhouse...发电厂,电信局,这些我都认输The powerhouse the telephone exchange these I concede.发电厂热力设备的优化运行Optimal operation for thermoelectric power station?监测站与位于河对岸的发电厂正对峙(隔河相对)。The monitoring station is just across the river from the power plant.就象这个太阳能发电厂,Like this solar power plant.内蒙古海拉尔发电厂前。In front of a power station.


中央电站,中央发电厂 central station

中心发电厂 central electric power station

主发电厂 main power station

原子能发电厂 atomic power plant

发电厂 power house; power plant

发电厂,发电站 electric power plant; power plant

发电厂容量 station capacity

发电厂技术监督 technical monitoring in power plants

发电厂辅助设备 power plant accessories

地热发电厂 geothermal power plant; geothermal electric power station; naturalstream power plant

多燃料发电厂 multifired power plant

大型发电厂 big power station

室内发电厂 indoor thermal power plant

核发电厂 nuclear power plant

水力发电厂 hydraulic power plant

汽轮交流发电厂 turbo-alternator plant

火力发电厂 thermal power plant; fuel electric plant

燃气轮机发电厂 gas turbine power station

特大型发电厂 superstation

矿口发电厂 mine-mouth power plant

自动发电厂 automatic generating plant

裂变发电厂 fission power plant

风力发电厂 wind power plant

高压发电厂 high-tension power plant

高压火力发电厂 high-pressure steam power plant

