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满脸的英文翻译 满脸英文怎幺说 满脸的英文例句




    across one's whole face

across [ә'krɔs]

    adv.横过,交叉地,在对面 prep.越过,交叉,在...的那边,在...对面那边

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

whole [hәul]

    n.全部,全体,整体,完全之体系 adj.所有的,完整的,完全的,纯粹的,未损伤的,未打破的 adv.完全,整个

face [feis]

    n.脸,面容,表情,威信,正面,地形,外观 vt.面对,面向,面临,承认,抹盖 vi.朝,向


女强人满脸自信。但灵里坚强的女人慈祥优美。A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face.but a woman of strength wears grace.他得意得满脸通红。He was aflame with pride.他满脸泪痕,鹹鹹的。他坐起来,脑海里还懵懵懂懂地萦绕着那个梦。He sat up his head muzzy with the dream his cheeks salty tear-stained.他因三天未刮脸而留下满脸鬍子茬。He had three days'stubble on his unshaven face.她满脸象朝霞一样的通红,浑身上下有一种玫瑰色的光彩。She was flushed like the dawn with a kind of luminous rosiness all about her.小白狗满脸疑惑地望着它,嗅到一股陌生的兇气和野味。The little dog stares suspiciously at the old wolf.一头红发、满脸雀斑、身材高大而又瘦骨嶙嶙的人们。Raw-boned hulks with red hair and freckles.在年幼、美丽的珠儿身上,和那满脸皱纹的老妖婆一样,准有一种超自然的力量。In pearl's young beauty as in the wrinkled witch it has a preternatural effect.只有少数满脸不相信的观众观看了排名世界第23位的派特森击败世界冠军。Only a few incredulous spectators watched paterson ranked23rd in the world beat the champion.

