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慢车的英文翻译 慢车英文怎幺说 慢车的英文例句




    local bus or train
    slow train with many stops

local [lәukll]

    adj.地方的,当地的,局部的,乡土的 n.当地居民,本地新闻,慢车,局部

bus [bʌs]


train [trein]

    n.火车,列车,行列,后果,顺序,长队,长袍(裙)拖地的部分,导火线 vt.训练,培养,瞄準,(园艺)整枝 vi.锻炼

slow [slәu]

    adj.慢的,迟钝的,不活跃的,缓慢的 v.(~ down)(使)慢下来,(使)减速,减缓 adv.缓慢

many [meni]

    n.多数,群众 adj.许多的 pron.许多人,许多


快车比慢车快一小时。The express train is an hour faster than the local.当他们放慢车速拐弯时,一辆灰色的汽车飞也似地超到他们前面去了。As they slowed down for the turn, a grey car shot ahead of them.我必须换乘慢车吗?Must I change to a local train?买一张去兰州单程慢车票多少钱?How much is the ticket for a slow single to Lanzhou?这儿有一列去伦敦的慢车,9点半开车。There is a stopping train for london starting at half past nine.这是慢车还是快车?Is this local or express?扳道工把慢车误认为快车了。The switchman mistook the slow train for the express train.慢车比快车多花二十分钟,因为它停靠那幺多站。The slow train takes twenty minutes more than the express because it stops at so many stations.生活就像一列慢车。Life is just a slow train.因为我不赶时间,所以我搭乘慢车没有关係。A slow train is fine with me because I am not in a hurry.这是一列慢车,不是快车。It's a stopping train not an express.


慢车 accommodation train

慢车推力 n. idle thrust

自动慢车 automatic slow down

