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发水的英文翻译 发水英文怎幺说 发水的英文例句



[fā shuǐ]


flood [flʌd]

    n.洪水,水灾,(因雨)涨潮,[诗]水 vt.淹没,使氾滥,注满,充满 vi.被水淹,溢出,涌进,喷出,涌出


关于涉及多国开发水电公约;Convention relating to the development of hydraulic power affecting more than one state;她就在考试前发水痘了。She got chicken pox just before her exam.我在找适合油性头髮的洗髮水和护髮素。I'm looking for shampoo and hair conditioner for oily hair.这种家用定型发水,深得女界欢心。This family-use hairspray has won ladies'favour.插播广告:美王皂角洗髮水,相信我,没错的!!Plugola: american king's soap angle shampoo believed me could not go wrong!!我们应该更多地开矿和开发水力资源。We should exploit more mines and waterpower.一种在一个系统中用来分发水分或气体或电或下水道的主干管。A principal pipe in a system that distributes water or gas or electricity or that collects sewage.浴室中有小袋包装的洗髮水。There is sachet shampoo in the bathroom.


丝素髮水 silky hair tonic

人参养发水 ginseng hair lotion

可开发水能资源 available hydropower resources根据地质、地形及其他条件所能形成的工程措施,可开发利用的水能资源。

护髮洗髮水 conditioning shampoo

未开发水域 non-exploited water area

洗髮水 liquid shampoo shampoo liquid

海飞丝二合一洗髮水 Head & Shoulders 2 in 1 shampoo

珠光洗髮水 shampoo with pearl-radiation

生髮水 hair grower

视发水雷 observation mine

触发水雷 contact mine

调理洗髮水 shampoo with treatment

非触发水雷 non-contact mine

