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[fǎ shì]

    French style

french [frentʃ]

    n.法国人,法语 adj.法国的,法国人的,法语的

style [stail]

    n.风格,时尚,文体,风度,类型,字体 vt.称呼,设计,使合潮流 使铁笔作装饰画


这会是轻吻还是法式热吻啊?Ls it gonna be a peck or a french-kiss?真希望现在能有点法式麵包Wish I had some french bread right now.自从我去法国度过假后,法式麵包就使我有了一种愉快的联想。French bread has had positive associations for me ever since I went on holiday to france.迪莉娅带了一盒最好吃的法式糕点回家。Delia came home with a box of the most delicious patisserie.您喜欢法式还是千岛佐料?Would you prefer french or thousand island dressing?您要罗克弗特,法式还是干岛牌调料?Do you want roquefort or french or thousand island dressing?我要一份大热狗、一份法式三明治,再来一份水果霜淇淋。A jumbo hot dog a submarine sandwich and a sundae for me.一件像海魂衫那样布满条纹的真正法式衬衫。A very french shirt all stripy like a sailor's.一种精神上的法式小甜点A kind of spiritual petit four.


托姆法式解 Thomé normal solution

法式刺绣亚麻帆布 French canvas

法式双吃线关边罗纹机 French welt ribber

法式木工锤 French type joiner''s hammer

法式机工锤 machinist''s hammer,french type

法式水兵茄克 French sailor jack

法式精梳机 French comb Schlumberger comb

法式精梳羊毛 French combing wool

法式精纺毛纱 French spun yarn French worsted yarn

法式羊角锤 French type claw hammer

法式薄绉 french crepe cord

法式钳工锤 French type machinist''s hammer

苏格兰法式判决 Scotch verdict

