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[fǎ lán]


flange [flændʒ]

    n.边缘,轮缘,凸缘,法兰 vt.给...装凸缘


为巴拉圭队进军法兰西铺平了道路。It has paved the way for the paraguayan team marching to france.我会在法兰克福的新星酒店。I will stay at new star hotel in frankfurt.新法兰西:从1534年到1763年签订巴黎条约期间,法国在北美洲的殖民地。New france: possessions of france in north america from1534to the treaty of paris in1763.亚历山大三世被迫与共和政体的法兰西结盟。Alexander iii was compelled to conclude an alliance with republican france.在法兰西球场经历的那场勇敢而痛苦的失利则是最主要的影响因素。The brave yet agonising defeat at the stade de france had a major;


丝经法兰绒 silk warp flannel

人造丝法兰绒长外衣 rayon flannel frock

仿法兰绒织物 flannel-like fabric

全棉织法兰绒衬衫 cotton yarn flannel shirt

全毛法兰绒 all-wool flannel

全毛精纺法兰绒 all-wool worsted flannel

全毛精纺法兰绒女裙 100% woolen worsted flannel skirt for ladies

全毛精纺法兰绒男女裤 100% woolen worsted flannel trousers for men and women

六角头法兰面螺栓 hexagon bolt with flange

六角法兰面螺母 hexagon nut with flange

兰开夏色织白边法兰绒 Lancashire flannel

内法兰盘 inner flange

凸面法兰 male flange

凹凸面法兰 male and female flange

加工棉法兰绒 converted flannel

十二角头法兰面螺栓 12 point flange screw, bihexagonal head screw

单面法兰绒 jersey flannel

单面起绒法兰绒 bayette

单面起绒法兰绒 bayette

博伊厚法兰绒 n. bath boy

博利瓦法兰绒 bolivar

博利瓦法兰绒 bolivar

卡沙棉法兰绒 kasha

卫生法兰绒 sanitary flannel

印花法兰绒 printed flannels

厚密法兰绒 swanskin

双经彩色条子棉法兰绒 double warp flannelette

双面法兰绒 shaker flannel

反向法兰 counter flange外直径与容器筒体外直径相同的法兰。

和服法兰绒 kimono flannel

