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慢慢的英文翻译 慢慢英文怎幺说 慢慢的英文例句



[màn màn]


slowly [slәuli]



头上的旋翼开始慢慢转动。The rotor overhead begins turning slowly.先烧开,然后用文火慢慢煨。Bring to the boil and simmer gently.于是慢慢地他们厌倦物质的追求Then they gr ew tir ed of mat erial desir es.在朝东方向的远处,好几艘燃烧的油轮发出的一片巨大的烟云,在天空中慢慢地扩展开来。On the eastern horizon a huge cloud of smoke from burning oil tanks stretched across the sky.在这练习中,你需要蹲下然后慢慢站起。For this exercise you need to get into a squat and then raise yourself slowly.在指南针上方,绕着圆圈慢慢地移动永久磁铁。Slowly move the permanent magnet in a circle above the compass.只是慢慢地啃一片麵包。Just nibble a piece of bread.


人群慢慢地散开 trickle away

从...处慢慢流出 ooze from

使...慢慢适应 ease in

在文火上慢慢煮沸 at a simmer

怒气慢慢升起 slow burn

慢慢 by slow degrees; by slowdegrees

慢慢仔细地做 take his time about

慢慢取得 edge into

慢慢向...走去 trundle along to

慢慢向上拱 ridden up; rode up

慢慢地 by little and little; little by little

慢慢地啃 nibble at

慢慢地失掉 seep away

慢慢地散去 drift away

慢慢地洩露出去 ooze out

慢慢地流出 ooze out

慢慢地流走 trickle away

慢慢地消耗 fritter away

慢慢地离开 drift off

慢慢地穿过 thread one''s way through

慢慢地行驶 go slow

慢慢地走开 trickle out

慢慢地进入 trickle into

慢慢地通过穿过 thread through

慢慢挤进 edge into

慢慢挨过 linger away

慢慢散发出来 ooze out

慢慢游蕩 fool along

慢慢煮沸 simmer

慢慢爬 snail-like movement

