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马勒的英文翻译 马勒英文怎幺说 马勒的英文例句



[mǎ lè]

    Mahler (name)
    Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), Austrian composer

Mahler ['mɑlɚ]

    Gustav Mahler 马勒

name [neim]

    n.名字,名称,姓名,名誉 vt.命名,提名,叫出,指定 adj.姓名的,据以取名的

gustav [gusta:v]

    V 即 Gustavus V

austrian [ɔstriәn]

    n.奥地利人 adj.奥地利的,奥地利人的

composer [kәm'pәuzә(r)]



更重要的是,这些抗议是在“科萨?诺斯特拉”组织的家乡马勒莫城对其进行反抗的初次表现。More important are the first signs of defiance in cosa nostra's home town of palermo.马的眼罩:系在马勒上缩短侧面视线的一对皮罩。Blinder: a pair of leather flaps attached to a horse's bridle to curtail side vision.马勒的后期作品之一。One of mahler's later compositions.马笼头套在马头部的那部分马勒The section of a bridle that fits over a horse's head.那牧民在悬顶把马勒住。The herdsman drew up his horse at the top of the cliff.他书桌上有一尊马勒的半身像。There was a bust of mahler on his desk.有用于连接马勒和马嚼子的扣口的马嚼子。A bit with a bar mouthpiece that is designed to combine a curb and snaffle.正式处于这个原因,奥菲斯从不演奏马勒、布鲁克纳或是柴可夫斯基等人的大型交响曲。For that reason orpheus does not play the big mahler bruckner or tchaikovsky symphonies.驯兽师给皮诺奇套上崭新的马勒,替它刷毛刷了一整天,The ringmaster put a brand-new bridle on pinocchio and brushed his hair all day.


马勒克斯聚乙烯纤维 Marlex

马勒克斯聚乙烯纤维 Marlex

马勒铝硅活塞合金 Mahle alloy

