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马海毛的英文翻译 马海毛英文怎幺说 马海毛的英文例句



[mǎ hǎi máo]


mohair [mәuheә(r)]

    n.马海毛,安哥拉山羊毛,马海毛织物 adj.马海毛制的


仿羔皮织物是用普通羊毛和马海毛製成的。Imitation astrakhan cloth is made from ordinary wool and mohair.混合有羊毛或马海毛的丝绸的粗糙的纤维。A coarse fabric of silk mixed with wool or mohair.套用羊毛和马海毛製成的服装。A suit made from wool and mohair.许多客户向我们询购马海毛毛衣。A lot of customers have approaced us to enquire for mohair sweaters.因为其被称为马海毛的长且软的毛而饲养。Raised for its long silky hair which is the true mohair.紫貂毛皮一种浓密的、柔软光滑的毛织物和其它动物的毛,例如有柔滑绒毛的马海毛A thick lustrous soft fabric of wool and other animal hair such as mohair having a silky nap.


仿马海毛腈纶膨体针织绒线 mohair-like acrylic knitting yarn

伊斯帕罕马海毛绒线 Ispahan yarn

伊斯法罕马海毛绒线 Isfahan yarn

光柔的马海毛 balernos

南非洲一级马海毛 Cape First

南非洲中级马海毛 Cape Mixed

南非洲初剪马海毛 Cape kids

南非洲粗马海毛 Cape Basuto

南非洲马海毛 Cape mohair

土耳其马海毛 Turkey mohair

安哥拉马海毛 angora mohair

巴苏托等级马海毛 Basuto hair

帕查斯马海毛呢 pachas

波拉林马海毛鬈绒呢 polarin

米兰马海毛编带 Milan braid

羊毛与马海毛及绢丝混纺织物 wool-mohair-silk mixed fabric

羊毛与马海毛混纺织物 wool-mohair mixed fabric

美国马海毛 American mohair

腈纶仿马海毛衫 acrylic imitated mohair sweater

马海毛 mohair

马海毛交织呢 angora cloth angora union

马海毛低级有光呢 mohair lustres

马海毛割绒地毯 mohair rug

马海毛大衣呢 mohair fleece

马海毛斜纹薄织物 angora cashmere

马海毛有光厚呢 mohair sicilian

马海毛有光呢 mohair brilliantine

马海毛海狸绒 mohair beaver plush

马海毛纱 mohair yarn

马海毛绒头织物 mohair pile fabric

