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开往的英文翻译 开往英文怎幺说 开往的英文例句




    to leave for
    heading for

leave [li:v]

    n.许可,同意,请假,休假 vt.离开,动身,剩下,遗忘,委託,遗弃 vi.出发,离开,生叶,动身

heading [hediŋ]



火车什幺时候开往上海?When did the train set off to shanghai?开往…的列车停在哪一个月台?Von welchem bahnsteig f? Hrt der zug nach... ab?开往圣地牙哥的17次列车……Train number17leaving for san diego...徒二一2遇见一只船要开往腓尼基去,就上船起行。Acts21:2and having found a ship crossing over to phoenicia we went on board and set sail.我们驱车向前开往海滨。We drove onwards towards the coast.现在停在第二月台的列车是15:27开往taunton的,The train now standing at platform2is the15:27to taunton一天有好几班车开往纽约。There are serval departures a day for new york.这班火车开往纽卡斯尔吗?Does this train go to newcastle?这电车是开往第七街的吗?Is that the right streetcar to seventh avenue?这辆火车是开往佩斯的吗?Does this train go to perth?这是开往纽约的火车吗?Is that the right train to new york?这是开往斯大林格勒的军列!This is a convoy to stalingrad...这艘船是要开往南安普敦的。This ship is destined for southampton.


开往 bound for

开往...去的 be bound for

开往国外的 out-bound

开往外地的 outbound

开往指定出口港火车上交货价 free on board cars LCL less than carload lot)

开往本国 inbound

开往火车上交货驳运费在内价 free on board named point of exportation) lighterage

开往火车上交货驳运费在内价,开往指定出口地点火车上交货驳运费在内价 free on board named point of exportation) lighterage

船只开往拆毁场的航程 break up voyage

船开往 sail for

