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    see 吗啡|吗啡, morphine

see [si:]


morphine [mɔ:fi:n]



“他是李伯凡文克吗?That's rip van winkle?“我能把木偶猴子和拼图游戏都买下来吗?”Can I have both the puppet monkey and the jigsaw puzzle?“我能解释一下为何我想从塔楼顶端往下跳吗?”"Can I explain why I wanted to jump off the top of a tower block?"“我现在可以去玩了吗?姨妈。”"Mayn't I go and play now aunt?"“我忧郁吗?”刺猬轻轻地笑了。Am I mope?'the Hedgehog smile and reply.“耶酥会这样做吗?”"Would jesus do it thusly?"“再要点雪利酒吗?”“请再来一点点。”More sherry?'-'just A thimbleful please. '“长官”有养老金计画吗?"Sir" has a pension plan?“志贵少爷……?您躲到哪里去了吗?”翡翠担心地问道。"Shiki-sama...? Are you hiding somewhere?" Hisui asks worriedly.…不拘泥于习俗和偏见的开明人士吗?Unfettered by customs and prejudices?


七叶吗啉 folescutol

乙双吗啉 bimolane

乙吗啡 ethyl morphine

乙吗芦丁 ethoxazorutoside

乙吧吗嗪 moracizine

乙基吗啉 ethyl morpholine

乙基吗啡 dionine

乙醯普吗嗪 acetylpromazinimaleas

二乙醯吗啡 diacetyl-morphine

去氧吗啡 desomorphine

去甲吗啡 normorphine

双氢吗啡 dihydromorphine

双醋氢吗啡 dihydroheroine

右吗拉胺 dextromoramide

吗丁啉片 motilium tablet

吗呱利定 morpheridine

吗啉 morpholine

吗啉双胍 moroxydine

吗啉啶醇片 moban tablet

吗啉碳酸盐 morpholine carbonate

吗啉米特 morinamide

吗啉脉 flumidin

吗啉那宗 molinazone

吗啡 morphia

吗啡双胍片 moroxydine tablet

吗啡毒品 morphine

吗啡烷生物硷 morphinane alkaloid

吗啡烷类生物硷 morphinane alkaloid

吗啡瘾 morphinomania; morphinism

吗喹酮 moquizone

