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普利策奖的英文翻译 普利策奖英文怎幺说 普利策奖的英文例句



[pǔ lì cè jiǎng]

    Pulitzer Prize

Pulitzer ['pjulɪtsɚ]

    Joseph Pulitzer 普利策

prize [praiz]

    n.奖赏,奖金,奖品,捕获,捕获物,战利品 adj.得奖的 vt.珍视,估价,捕获,撬,撬开


这个音乐大家庭的一位元成员是获得普利策奖的作曲家詹尼佛.One of the members of the family is pulitzer prize-winning composer jennifer higdon.1940年,《愤怒的葡萄》作为当年的最佳小说,使他获得普利策奖金。In1940 the grapes of wrath won for him the pulitzer prize as the best novel of the year.“除上述外,她还在一九八○年获得普利策奖”"In addition to all of the above she won a pulitzer prize in1980."除上述外,她还在一九八○年获得普利策奖。In addition to all of the above she won a pulitzer prize in1980.普利策奖获得者、历史学家、曾任甘迺迪政府高参的亚瑟?施莱辛格去世,享年89岁。Pulitzer prize winning historian and kennedy insider arthur schlesinger has died at the age of89.普利策奖是发给那些乳臭未乾的小崽子的。The pulitzer is for the birds.他曾获得美国国家图书奖、普利策奖、威廉斯奖等。His honors include the national book award the pulitzer prize the william carlos williams award etc.她的小说列入了供最后考虑的普利策奖名单中。Her novel was short-listed for the pulitzer prize.也许你能赢个普利策奖哦Maybe you'll win a pulitzer prize.这本小说被列入角逐普利策奖的最终名单。This story was short-listed for the pulitzer prize.

