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朴的英文翻译 朴英文怎幺说 朴的英文例句



    surname Piao
    Korean surname ? (Park, Pak, or Bak)
    also pron. Pu2

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼

korean [kә'riәn]

    n.韩国人,朝鲜人,韩国语,朝鲜语 adj.韩国人的,朝鲜人的,韩国语的,朝鲜语的

park [pa:k]

    n.公园,停车场,炮场 vt.停放(汽车等)


    n.[计] 备份档案的副档名

also [ɔ:lsәu]



    pronoun 代词


写清楚点儿,用朴实的英语散文体写。Write it clearly in plain english prose.新亚校园宁静宽广,新亚学生都很朴实。New asia campus is tranquil and spacious and na students are down-to-earth.有更朴素的点的吗?Do not you have a plainer one?有更朴素的吗?Don't you have a plainer one?有一块朴素的饰板用以纪念该烈士的殉难处。A simple plaque mark the spot where the martyr die.原初主义艺术家俱有或喜爱质朴、直率、未受教育影响风格的艺术家,如油画家An artist having or affecting a simple direct unschooled style as of painting.在村中草地上的古朴的小房子。Quaint little cottages on the village green


厚朴 bark of official magnolia cortex magnoliae officinalis magnolia bark

厚朴花 flower of official magnolia

厚朴花 flower of official magnolia

可朴尔牌手錶 Coupor

可朴尔牌手錶 Coupor

拓朴图的保护 protection of topographies

拓朴学 analysis situs

朴素 austerity; naivety

朴素大方的 unostentatious

朴素实在论 naive realism

朴素模型 naive model

朴素集合论 naive set theory

聚阿朴酸钠 sodium apolate

过朴素的生活 live in a small way

过着俭朴的生活 live at a small cost

过简朴的生活 gone native; live in a small way; went native

阿朴啡类生物硷 aporphine alkaloid

