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拼写的英文翻译 拼写英文怎幺说 拼写的英文例句




    to spell
    to transliterate

spell [spel]

    n.符咒,魅力,一段时间,轮班 vt.拼写,拼成,意味着,轮值,招致,迷住 vi.轮替,拼字

transliterate [træns'litәreit]



我想孩子应该学习拼写和标点法。I think that children should be taught spelling and punctuation.我在拼写一个纵横字谜中的词时卡住了。I got stuck when I misspelt a word in a crossword puzzle.无法找到默认的拼写检查。Cannot find the default speller.校对员对这个词的拼写有疑问。The proofreader queried the spelling of the word.英式英语和美式英语在拼写和语音方面是有差别的。British and american english are different in spelling and pronunciation.应当立即改正每一个拼写错的词。Each misspelt word should be put right immediately.用红笔圈起的拼写错误。Spelling mistakes circled in red ink有些词的发音、拼写和表达不同。The pronunciation spelling and expression of some words are different.有些规则把英语拼写与发音联繫起来。There are rules for relating english spelling and pronunciation.约翰在拼写方面落后。John ranked low in spelling.这两个词发音相似,但是拼写不同。These two words are similar in pronunciation but different in spelling.这两种语言使用不同的拼写体系。The two languages employ different orthographic systems.最随便的档案保存系统;草率的工作;粗心的拼写;草率的工艺。A most haphazard system of record keeping; slapdash work; slipshod spelling; sloppy workmanship.


为...拼写 spell for

在拼写比赛中战胜 spell down

地名拼写準则 name-spelling authority

官方拼写法 official orthography

拼写 transliterate

拼写错误 cacography

木质拼写器 nuts and bolts speller

木质拼写器 nuts and bolts speller

