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聘用的英文翻译 聘用英文怎幺说 聘用的英文例句




    to employ
    to hire

employ [im'plɔi]

    vt.雇用,用,使用 v.使用 n.雇用

hire [haiә(r)]

    n.租金,工钱,租用,雇用 vt.雇请,出租 vi.受雇


我们聘用她为顾问。We employ her as an adviser.在科研机构内部积极推行聘用制。The appointment system was followed in all research institutions.作为权宜之计,今年我们不再聘用新职员。As a matter of expedience we will not be taking on any new staff this year.不,我是要聘用他,并保留授权No I want to put him on retainer.贵公司的聘用主义是甚麽?What is your hiring philosophy?聘用单位负责人姓名:电话Name of the employing organization: tel.要聘用到素质好的教师是很困难的。It is difficult to recruit teachers of quality.有人每月支付洛马科斯先生1000美元的聘用定金。Mr lomax is being paid a$ 1000monthly retainer.


上岗聘用制 job appointment system

中国雇员聘用合同 contract for the engagement of Chinese employees

临时聘用卡 emergency engagement card

干部聘用制 executive employment system; employment system of factory directors or managers

聘用制 system of contractual employment; system of employment under contract

聘用及解雇成本 hiring and layoff cost

聘用外国人就业申请表 application form for engaging foreigners as employees

聘用条件 conditions for employment

订约聘用的职员 contract officer

