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瓶装的英文翻译 瓶装英文怎幺说 瓶装的英文例句




    bottling;in bottles;preserve

bottling ['bɔtliŋ]


preserve [pri'zә:v]

    vt.保护,保持,保存,保藏 vi.做蜜饯,禁猎 n.蜜饯,果酱,禁猎地,禁区,防护物


瓶装水会损害蓄水层吗?Is bottled water hurting aquifers?她打算不久之后让她的孩子断掉母乳,改喝瓶装牛奶。She plans to wean her baby from breast to bottle soon.我们有大量的瓶装饮料。We have plenty of bottled drinks.我是个瓶装的未来的新娘L'm a bottled future bride.我要生啤酒,不要瓶装啤酒!I want draught beer not bottled beer!要把这个烧瓶装满吗?Shall I fill this flask?应用胰岛素注射器和瓶装製剂。Use insulin syringes and vials.这种瓶装中性穀物酒精溶液含有95%酒精含量,它叫什幺名字?This bottled neutral grain spirits is95% alcohol by volume.珍露传统双重蒸馏雅文邑,精緻黑亮瓶装。Janneau's traditional doubled distilled blended armagnac in a handsome black laquer bottle.你赢得了我和6瓶装啤酒You won me and a six-pack of beer.您是想要瓶装的还是听装的?Do you want bottled or tinned.瓶装的,还有真空软包装的。Some are bottled and some vacuum packaged.请只饮用瓶装矿泉水。Only drink purified bottle water.用小瓶装有易燃液体和少量易燃物的天然燃烧弹。A crude incendiary bomb made of a bottle filled with flammable liquid and fitted with a rag wick.


瓶装 in bottles

瓶装啤酒 bottled beer

瓶装果汁 bottled juice

瓶装液体煤气 calor gas

瓶装燃烧弹 Molotov cocktail

瓶装牛奶 bottled milk

瓶装葡萄酒 bottle wine

瓶装蜂蜜 honey in bottle

瓶装饮料冷却器 bottle cooler

用瓶装 bottle up; bottled off

