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平行的的英文翻译 平行的英文怎幺说 平行的的英文例句



[píngxíng de]

    parallel;paralleled;codirectional;in parallel

parallel [pærәlel]

    adj.平行的,相同的,类似的,并联的 n.平行线,平行面,类似,相似物 v.相应,平行


断口分析表明,合金低周疲劳断口的主要特徵是平行的条纹及韧窝。The chief character of fracture is fatigue striation and dimple.多指与海岸线平行的一种码头。Usually built parallel to the shoreline.腱由平行的纤维组成。A tendon consists of parallel fibers.平行的两排舞蹈者Dancers in two parallel rows.使光波分裂成两束平行的垂直偏振的波。Splitting a ray into two parallel rays polarized perpendicularly.通常是指外形上带有平行的突起和凹陷的白铁钢板。Usually galvanized sheet iron or sheet steel shaped into straight parallel ridges and hollows.一种轻舟的稳定器;定在成型圆木的桅杆或与船体平行的浮筒。A stabilizer for a canoe; spars attach to a shaped log or pontoon parallel to the hull.由几个平行的刀片进行同时切割的动力锯。A power saw that has several parallel blades making simultaneous cuts.有平行的把柄的旋转的轴。Rotating shaft with parallel handle.有三个平行的船体的帆船。A fast sailboat with3parallel hulls.与路面平行的用来称交通工具和动物的平台秤。Platform scale flush with a roadway for weighing vehicles and cattle etc.在认识上生物分类和植物群落分类是平行的。The parallelism in the classification of organisms and phytocoenoses is relised.支持屋顶的三角形桁架中平行的直柱。Vertical tie post in a roof truss.


与轴平行的 parallel to the axis

伪平行的 pseudo parallel

平行的 parallel

