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品德的英文翻译 品德英文怎幺说 品德的英文例句




    moral character

moral [mɔr(ә)l; (-) 'mɔ:rәl]

    adj.道德(上)的,精神的 n.道德

character [kæriktә(r)]

    n.(事物的)特性,性质,特徵(的总和),(人的)品质,字元,性格,特徵,人物 vt.写,刻,印,使具有特徵


我们确信他品德好。We believe in his good character.我相信他品德良好。I believe in his good character.勇气和决心是品德的精神和灵魂。Cowage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue.至于我的品德,您可函询《中东国际》杂誌主任史密斯先生。Concerning my character I am permitted to refer to mr.smith managing editor of the magazine.革命的理想,共产主义的品德,要从小开始培养。We should foster revolutionary ideals and communist morality in young people from childhood.提高…的品德;改进To improve the morals of; reform.天使般的善行;天使般的微笑;对他伙伴的品德高尚的关心;我高尚的母亲。Angelic benificence; a beatific smile; a saintly concern for his fellow men; my sainted mother.因为我们是有品德的人,你们念这时信时,五匹怒马已把我们送还给我们的爸爸妈妈了。At the hour when you read this five fiery horses will be bearing us to our papas and mammas.有良好的职业品德和团队精神。Good moral character and teamwork.至于他的品德,也是值得称讚的。As for his moral character he is also praiseworthy.


品德形成 formation of morality

品德心理结构 mental structure of morality

品德良好期间 during good behavior; dum bene se gesserit

小学思想品德课教学改革 reform of political and moral teaching in primary schools

