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拼凑的英文翻译 拼凑英文怎幺说 拼凑的英文例句




    to assemble
    to put together

assemble [ә'semb(ә)l]

    vt.集合,聚集,装配 vi.集合

put [put]

    vt.放,摆,安置,表达,迫使,移动,提出,赋予 vi.出发,航行,发芽,击 n.掷,投击,笨蛋,怪人 vbl.put的过去式和过去分词 adj.固定不动的

together [tә'geðә(r)]



最后一分钟在拼凑计画Cobbled a plan together at the last minute.员警试图把事实拼凑起来。The policeman tried to piece together the facts.警方试图把所有的事实拼凑起来。The police tried to piece together all the facts.没有设计的、拼凑起来的被子。A patchwork quilt without a design.拼凑一篇陈旧的演说稿。Vamp up an old speech.七巧板就是用许多几何图形进行拼凑的一种玩具。Tangram is a toy comprised of many geometrical pieces that can be put together.书中没有什幺新东西,只是一部拼凑而成的作品。There is nothing new in the book just a scissors-and-paste job.他最近的一本书是东剪剪西抄抄拼凑而成的。His latest book is a scissors and paste job.我会拼凑几句直到你準备好,让乘客打起精神来吗?I'll vamp till you're ready pick up the passengers?用泥巴、旧木板和麻袋布片拼凑搭成的小屋。Little huts patched together out of mud and old boards and pieces of sacking.这家伙仿佛纸娃娃被剪下来再拼凑回去似的This guy looks like a paper doll got cut up and pasted back together.


仓促拼凑而成 chuck together

匆匆拼凑成 threw together; thrown together

拼凑 piece together; slap together

拼凑一笔款子 make out a sum

拼凑一笔款子了结帐目 make out a sum to settle the account

拼凑换汇交易 engineered swap transaction; pieced together swap transaction

拼凑的合伙经营 bobtail pooling

给拼凑一下 tinker with

胡乱拼凑 fudge up

