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拚的英文翻译 拚英文怎幺说 拚的英文例句



    to disregard
    to reject

disregard [disri'ga:d]

    v.不理漠视 n.漠视,忽视

reject [ri:dʒekt]

    n.被拒之人,被弃之物,不合格品,落选者,不及格者 vt.拒绝,抵制,否决,呕出,驳回,丢弃


那有名的政治家拚命想保全住他的两边面子。The famous politician was trying to save both his faces.她给予的支持使我们有勇气去拚搏。Her support helped nerve us for the fight.我寡不敌众,因此只得拚命乱打,直到挣脱逃走为止。I was outnumbered so I just law about me until I could break free and run away.他要是总这样拚命干下去是吃不消的。Unless he stops driving himself like this he'll have a breakdown.日子这幺多,他偏偏在耶诞节那天拚命工作着。Unfeelingly she required her maid to work on christmas day.基甸:到最后一分钟才啃书本,非拚命不可。Gideon: and then you have to cram really hard for the exam.拚死拚活挣绿卡Trying to clean their way to a green card.他一直在拚命地学法语。He keeps plugging away at french.


作拚死的斗争 conduct a desperate struggle

拚 spelt

拚写 transliteration

拚到底 brave it out

拚命 bend over backward; bent over backward; bent over backwards; fallen over backward; fell over backwards; for all one is worth; lean over backward; to the bitter end; turn on the heat

拚命争取 strain after

拚命努力 bust a gut; make a desperate effort

拚命反对 squat on

拚命地 hell for leather

拚命地干 in there pitching

拚命工作 sweat his guts out

拚命恭维 laid out on; laid out on thick; lay it on; lay it on thick

拚命指责 shoot full of holes; shot full of holes

拚命苦干 wire away

拚命讨好 throw myself at; thrown ourselves at

拚命赶时髦的人们 the slaves of fashion

拚片褶襇裙 pleated-gore skirt

拚着 at a price of

拚着干到底 braved it out

