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片剂的英文翻译 片剂英文怎幺说 片剂的英文例句





tablet [tæblit]



她服用维生素片剂以补充规定食谱中的营养。She supplements her diet with vitamin tablets.并选用盐酸黄连素为模型药物进行包衣片剂的体外释放试验。Berberine chloride was chosen as model drug to prepare coating tablets.芳香剂含有香料,燃烧后可用来进行空气消毒或防嗅的片剂A tablet containing aromatic substances that is burned to fumigate or deodorize the air.此药有片剂供应。The drug is available in tablet form.减少合法鸦片剂原料过量储存问题专家组;Expert group on the reduction of excessive stocks of licit opiate raw materials;结论:该方法可以用于小儿複方苯巴比妥片剂的品质监控。Conclusion: the method is used for qualitative control of compound children's phenobarbital tablet.目的:观察硫糖铝混悬液治疗消化性溃疡的疗效,并与片剂比较。Aim: to campare the efficacy between suspension and tablet of sucralfate in treating peptic ulcer.片剂,锭剂圆型的小药锭,锭剂A small circular medicinal lozenge; a pastille.片剂一小块药片或调味片;锭剂A small medicated or flavored tablet; a troche.普鲁士蓝片剂起作用了吗?Was the prussian blue effective?


包衣片剂 coated tablet

口含片剂 buccal tablet

咀嚼片剂 chewable tablet

多层片剂 multilayer tablet

植入片剂 implant tablet

泡腾片剂 effervescent tablet

溶液片剂 solution tablet

片剂 tablet

片剂包衣 tablet coating

片剂包装机 tablet packing machine

片剂自动包装机 automatic tablet packaging machine

皮下注射用片剂 hypodermic tablet

糖衣片剂 sugar coated tablet

肠溶片剂 enteric coated tablet

胶片剂量计 film dosemeter, film badge

舌下片剂 sublingual tablet

薄膜衣片剂 film coated tablet

鸦片剂 laudanum

