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骗取的英文翻译 骗取英文怎幺说 骗取的英文例句




    to gain by cheating

gain [gein]

    n.财物的增加,财富的获取,利润,腰槽,收穫 vt.得到,增进,赚到,开腰槽于 vi.获利,增加

cheating ['ʧɪtɪŋ]



房东试图骗取我们的押金。The landlord tried to swindle us out of our deposit.有偷税、骗取出口退税及其它重大违规、违法行为。Tax evasion; defrauding of the export tax rebate and other severely violations and illegalities.总是要骗取大家的同情That's aiways preying on everyone's sympathies


从...处骗取 dupe out of; mulct from

使用支票骗取银行金钱 false checks

使用支票骗取银行金钱罪 false checks; utterance of checks

先博得信任而后骗取财物的把戏 confidence trick

虚报注册资本,骗取公司登记的犯罪 crimes committed by misstating registered capital to swindle out of company registration

诈骗取得 acquired by fraud

骗取 defraud

骗取...东西 inveigle out of

骗取...的 fool out of

骗取...的东西 wheedle out of

骗取信用 obtaining credit by fraud; obtaining credit by deception

骗取信用证的行为 act of cheating others out of letter of credit

骗取国家出口退税款罪 crime of inveigling export tax drawback from the state

骗取国家财产案 case involving the swindling of state property

骗取者 inveigler

骗取虚伪文书罪 gaining untrue documents by cheating

骗取货物而不付钱的滑头商号 long firm

骗取钱财 defraudation

